Thursday, September 22, 2022

Top three interests in life...

I'm working a travel blog post for things and places in the USA that I want to do or see!!! Buuuuuuuuuut as I was compiling that list I realized that ALL MY INTERESTS IN LIFE can be divided up into three areas...
Mary's Top three life interests
(Outside of the things of God...DUH!;)
1. HIKING/Outdoors
Okaaaaaay now lets talk about each of them!!!

1. HIKING/Outdoors
Okaaaaaaay you guys, sooooooo I said hiking and outdoors as one because they kinda go hand in hand! There is just something so awesome about being outside in the beauty of God's creation and it was through hiking that I discovered my love for the outdoors!!! Before I started losing weight, I hated being outside-it's literally the weirdest and most expected thing to discover that I ACTUALLY LIKE the outdoors!!! As soon as the weather is nice you can find me outdoors, at the parks, mountains, nature trails or just walking whenever I can and you know I'm taking pictures of ever blooming cactus, flower, leaf, rock and butterfly that catches my attention! Sometimes i'm trailing sooooo far behind everyone else JUST BECAUSE i'm taking pictures of EVERYTHING!!! Well, when I actually go with people, usually I enjoy it perfectly JUST ME AND GOD!!! 
Okaaaay soooooo you guys KNOW I'm passionate about food!!!! Liiiiiiiike literally, I'm a foodie ALL THE WAY!!! Between cooking, baking, grocery shopping and resturant exploring- I LOVE FOOD!!! I'm that person that HAS to try a bite of the latest of EVERYTHING! If something sounds cRaZy i'm just DOWN!!! Obviously, I've had to learn the hard way in life that food has to be a VERY CONTROLLED INTEREST!!! Buuuuuuut I have learned how to cook HEALTHY FOOD that tastes gooooooooooood!!! I promise you guys, I am THE BEST HEALTHY COOK YOU WILL EVERRRRR MEET!!! And spices and seasonings will always be my side crush! My food is NEVERRRR BLAH!!!! My mantra is, if I'm going to eat, it had BETTER BE GOOD AND WORTH THE CALORIES!!! Because, just like in RELATIONSHIPS, There's NO REFUND ON CALORIES!!! Ya know when your like Oh i'm going to eat this??? and it's just like BLEH!!! And then you look at the calories your like SERIOUSLY??? I was liiiiike 300 calories on that TRASH??? 
I mean this one PRETTY MUCH speaks for itself!!! Buuuuuuut you guys know I will shop anywhere from Goodwill to Nordstrom and EVERYWHERE IN BETWEEN!!!! Online, offline at conferences, in grocery stores on vacation NOT ON VACATION...I loooooove SHOPPING!!! !!! I ACTUALLY had this idea to have a HIKING MOUNTAIN MALL!!! Liiiiiiiiiiiiike, when you hike the mountain and you get to the top there is a HUGE MALL!!! I mean, LITERALLY HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE?????
Well that's an INTERESTING question!!! They all have their place, I looooove food buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut it has to be a VERY CONTROLLED INTEREST otherwise-WEIGHT GAIN!!! Hiking and the outdoors is VERY DEPENDENT ON THE WEATHER annnnnnnnnnnnnnd shopping DRAINS THE BANK ACCOUNT soooooooo....buuuuuuuuuuuut I think the one that like I truly would do literally everyday if the weather ALWAYS STAYED THE SAME is HIKING!!! I think that is the one that brings me THE MOST JOY, WITHOUT any drawbacks!!! 
IF your asking which one I do THE MOST??? 
I think WE ALL KNOW, it's whaaaaaat???
(okaaaaaay don't judge me, I was TRYING ALL SUMMER to excercise in the mall because it's SOOOOOOOOO HOT OUTSIDE and as I MALL-WALKED I kept getting destracted!!!)

Well there you have it guys, there are my top three interests outside of GOD!!! Ooooooh WAIT what about writing???? Maybe that's not an interest buuuuut a passion...kinda like breathing??? 
♥Mary Frances :)