I've been hearing a lot lately about the Kony 2012 thing...a campain to stop a horrible terrorist in Uganda from turning children into murders, soldeirs and sex slaves. After reading and seeing and listening to the horror going on, I couldn't help but cry. All of the sudden, people have been telling me about Kony 2012! To spread the word, to blog about this and...And this post isn't directed to anyone imparticular, just in case your one of the people that have mentioned Kony 2012 to me...:)...AND...
I suppose that knowing that my love for children and my love for African people, I would join, I would promote, I would sponsor...and while I thought about it, I can't help but wonder, WHY its sooooo easy for us to get involved in this propaganda that, YES, is a good cause, BUT, we forget about OUR OWN!!!
I suppose that knowing that my love for children and my love for African people, I would join, I would promote, I would sponsor...and while I thought about it, I can't help but wonder, WHY its sooooo easy for us to get involved in this propaganda that, YES, is a good cause, BUT, we forget about OUR OWN!!!
.There is a 15-year-old thats...
going to have a baby...
A13-year-old just had an abortion...
A 14-year-old just drank bleach...
trying to end their life...
She is a child prostitute...
He is a drug dealer...
He beats another kid...and you say, lets get him and beat him back...but did you know...HE BEATS..because HE was beaten...all his life and thats ALL HE KNOWS!!!
A 7-year-old just said she hates her life...
she wants to die
Do you think about them?
Do you cry for them?
Do you pray for them?
There are...
They hurt, they cry, they steal,
They hide, they curse, they break,
they're dirty, they're filthy, they stink.
Yet we find it hard to go near them...to touch them...to love them...ugh they're just to much...to far gone...to much work... So we send our money, and hope that someone else will do our work...a bunch of liberal minded someones that don't even have the answer!!!!
I'm NOT trying to take away from what anyone is doing for anyone in far away countries...its is ALWAYS good to help the hurting...BUUUUT...I am forever thankful that a pastor in Missouri had a burden for New York City!!! I am forever thankful, that he sent a man from his church that was willing to answer that call!!! I am FOREVER THANKFUL, that before that man answered the call to a foriegn field, he answered the call to a city in his own country!!! I am forever thankful for the lady that witnessed to the lady down the street from her...MY MOM!!! Oh how I am soooo thankful for that!!!
I thank God for missioniaries and the people that answer the call to far away places...BUT some of us need to get a burden for people RIGHT HERE!!! YES... I hope and I pray they get Kony!!! Yes...help the kids overseas...BUUUUUT...in all your helping, in all your doing...
they NEED Jesus TOO!!!
.♥Mary Frances :)