Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Awkward Sunday School Moment!!!

That AWKWARD moment in Sunday School, when the kids are asked the question, IF you were going to be stranded on an island ALL ALONE or if your house was burning down and you were able to take ONLY ONE thing with you WHAT would it be???
And the Sunday School kid that YOU pick up yells out...
My T.V.!!!
AHAHAHAHAHHA!!! I thought this was a pretty INTERESTING list of stuff our kids would choose!!! CAN ANYONE GUESS which thing written on this list was ME??? Hee, hee!!! ;)
 The same boy that yelled out MY TV, also said his Bible and Kool-aid! LOLOL!!!! Don't forget the KOOL AID man!!!!! HAHAHA!!! Just for the record, he DID yell out BIBLE FIRST!!!
Then Jac's niece said her fridge!!! i WAS LIKE, oooo yeah, THATS MY KINDA GIRRRRL!!! She shoulda been a GINTY!!! AHAHAHA! I love it!!! Our house may be burning down, buuuuuuuuuut look out...step aside...WE TAKIN THE FRIDGE!!!

♥Mary Frances :)