And the Sunday School kid that YOU pick up yells out...
My T.V.!!!
AHAHAHAHAHHA!!! I thought this was a pretty INTERESTING list of stuff our kids would choose!!! CAN ANYONE GUESS which thing written on this list was ME??? Hee, hee!!! ;)
The same boy that yelled out MY TV, also said his Bible and Kool-aid! LOLOL!!!! Don't forget the KOOL AID man!!!!! HAHAHA!!! Just for the record, he DID yell out BIBLE FIRST!!!
Then Jac's niece said her fridge!!! i WAS LIKE, oooo yeah, THATS MY KINDA GIRRRRL!!! She shoulda been a GINTY!!! AHAHAHA! I love it!!! Our house may be burning down, buuuuuuuuuut look out...step aside...WE TAKIN THE FRIDGE!!!
♥Mary Frances :)