Saturday, May 16, 2015

Happy Gotcha Day!!!

Today, May 16th, is the day that we got my niece Mary Jo!!! Weeeeeeelllll at least my sister got her in foster care, it wasn't until November of 2011 that she was officially adopted and became a Ginty!!! Buuuuuuuuuuut this is the day that my big sis became a MOM!!!
Annnnnnnnnnnnd I became an Aunt!!! MJ is soooooo much more to me than just my niece, she is also the little sister I ALWAYS wanted!!! Annnnnnd YES, with that being said, there are times when my sister ACTUALLY thinks there are two kids living in the house...Heh, heh! (Heeeeeey I got her a mothers day present!!! Hee, hee!) We do our hair, accessorize, and talk about guys together and believe it or not, MJ actually keeps all my our guy talk a secret!!!!
Something cool that happened a while ago was that I was sending someone a pic of me with MJ and one of her friends and I was like, This is my niece and my adopted niece. I was saying adopted niece about one of MJ'S friends when I realized that MJ actually IS the one that's adopted, buuuuut I didn't even think about it! She's MY NIECE!!! No "adopted niece" neccasary!!! I LOOOOOOVE here sooooo much!!! Happy Gottcha Day MJ!!!! I'm sooooooo glad that out of all the people in the world, We're the family that GOTCHA!!!!! Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
♥Mary Frances :)
P.S. You can read her full adoption story HERE!!!