Annnnnnnnnnnnd I became an Aunt!!! MJ is soooooo much more to me than just my niece, she is also the little sister I ALWAYS wanted!!! Annnnnnd YES, with that being said, there are times when my sister ACTUALLY thinks there are two kids living in the house...Heh, heh! (Heeeeeey I got her a mothers day present!!! Hee, hee!) We do our hair, accessorize, and talk about guys together and believe it or not, MJ actually keeps all my our guy talk a secret!!!!
Something cool that happened a while ago was that I was sending someone a pic of me with MJ and one of her friends and I was like, This is my niece and my adopted niece. I was saying adopted niece about one of MJ'S friends when I realized that MJ actually IS the one that's adopted, buuuuut I didn't even think about it! She's MY NIECE!!! No "adopted niece" neccasary!!! I LOOOOOOVE here sooooo much!!! Happy Gottcha Day MJ!!!! I'm sooooooo glad that out of all the people in the world, We're the family that GOTCHA!!!!! Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
♥Mary Frances :)
P.S. You can read her full adoption story HERE!!!