Thursday, October 29, 2015

What IF WALDO???

I was thinking about this the other day...
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd THEN IT HIT ME...
Now before you all start thinking that I'm crazier than I already am, LET ME CLARIFY something with you all, HE REALLY COULD BE WALDO!!! Think about it!!!
1. Is Waldo Apostolic??? Idk...HE COULD BE!! Look at HOW modest he dresses!!! Pants and long sleeves...this BROTHA has holiness down...I LIKE THAT!!! Purrrrrr Waldo!!!
2. Is Waldo Chocolate??? NO, he's NOT!!! Buuuuuuut did you all know that I ACTUALLY DON'T CARE about a guys skin color at all??? My WHOLE point has ALWAYS been that it ACTUALLY DOESN'T MATTER!!! That's what my TRUE PASSION on the matter ACTUALLY IS!!! And my goal IS and WILL ALWAYS BE to educate and change the ignorant mindset of skin color and interracial marriage...EXCEPT, there is ACTUALLY NO SUCH THING AS INTERACIAL MARRIAGE, buuuuuuuut I'll save that for ANOTHER day!!! That being said, when it comes to my future husband and how I feel about his skin color, I will quote what a anonymous friend said to me today, "I don't care if they're WHITER THAN SNOW or if they're BLACKER THAN COAL!" I was like, Oh yeah, HEEEEEEEEYYYY!!! To me its more important that he has the attributes I want, on fire for God, burden for the lost, has a job, has a car, has good self-esteem, motivated, take charge, spiritual leader, good with finances, kind-hearted, patient with Mary Moments, organizes my Maryness, wants to have at least 7 kids, willing to adopt, tithe paying, pastor obeying, righteous, Apostolic Warrior,  man of prayer
3. Is Waldo anything like me??? NO!!! Obviously, Waldo IS NOT like ME!!! There is NO WAY he could hide that well if he was!!! This is GOOD!!! Cuz I think that a guy LIKE ME, WITH ME...would NOT BE GOOD!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!
YOU NEVER KNOW!!! YOU JUST NEVER KNOW!!! Whoever he is...I will wait for him...BECAUSE...
"Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?"
(Proverbs 20:6)
♥Mary Frances :)