Part 1
I was thinking about another story the other day from WAAAAAAAAAY back in the day, I was probably in my early 20's at the time, and I had a rumor that a certain you man that like me was going to give me a VERY BIG BIRTHDAY PRESENT...this may or may NOT be the same guy from, "Just Two Cups Of Water" My brother's all told me, he said he's going to give you $100!!!
I was like, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT??? I mean, that may NOT seem like an EXTREMELY big gift, buuuuuuut when you have NO INTEREST in the guy, it KINDA IS!!! LOL!!!
Well I was superrrrr excited about this gift, I mean, being jobless at the time, the possibilities for what I could do with $100 seemed ENDLESS!!! I couldn't wait...$100...better NOT let mom find out about this!!! Hee, hee!!!
It turned out that on my birthday, July 18th, (mark your calenders folks;) this guy wasn't even going to be here. Him and my brothers and several other guys from our church were going on a missions trip overseas...AW $100 for Mar Bear!!! Then my brother's told me, no, he said he's going to leave your birthday present at the house when we leave early in the morning!!!
So the guys left for the airport at like 4am annnnnnd there was NO WAY I was getting up that early to see them off!!! Buuuuuuuuut when I woke up that day, sure enough, sitting by my pillow was a beautiful gift bag with a card.
I was like YEEEEEEESSS$$$!!! I didn't really care what trinket was in the gift bag, OF COURSE the first thing I did was tear open the card.
I opened up the card and it was some flowery-rose card with eloquent poetry, blah, blah, blah, I didn't bother reading it or ANYTHING that was written in the card...buuuuuuuuuuut much to my dismay, there was NO $100 in it! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat???? It was such a fancy card it had all these little layers of pretty papers and I searched EVERY LAYER AND STILL NO $$$$$$!!! Ugh!!!
Weeeeeeeellllll maybe it was in the gift bag, like in a box or something!!! I open the gift bag and all that's in it was a FANCY ROSE PICTURE FRAME...with a picture of THE TWO OF US IN IT!!! I'm like, seriously??? A picture of us??? I don't want no picture of US...I don't even look good in the picture...LOL
Oh well, I shoulda known a $100 gift was just all talk!!! Not wanting to clutter up my room, (See how organized I am?:) I simply walked into our kitchen and put the whole gift in the trash can, CARD AND EVERYTHING!!! Then, I just went about my day...ta, ta!!!

Well later my brother calls and asks me if I got the gift? I was like, Oh yeah...he's like did you get the $100??? I was like, NOOOOO!!! There was no $100, just a picture of us!!! He's like, well you were supposed to look for it!!! I'm like, I DID!!! I searched that card high and low and there was NO $100 in it! He's like, where is the gift now? I'm like, IN THE TRASH!!! He's like, what??? Mary go get it out!!! I'm like, WHY? Its just a picture of us at a banquet that I don't want!!!
He's like, JUST GO GET IT OUT!!! I'm like, Okaaaaaaaaaaay...then he says, open up the back of the frame, SO I DID, he's like, now move the card board piece, so I did, annnnnnnnnnnnnd LO AND BEHOLD...there between the picture and the cardboard in the back of the frame was $100!!! $weeeeeeeeeet!!!
My brother is like, I can't believe you almost threw that away!!! I'm like, Okaaaaaaaaaaaay well hows a girl supposed to know there was a $100 bill in it??? He's like, well you were supposed to LOOK FOR IT and then if you didn't find it when we got back from the trip he was going to show you...I was like, OH! He's like, I mean, he wasn't planning on YOU throwing his stuff gift in the trash!!! LOL bad!!! Hee, hee!!!
*BRO TIP: Buuuuuut hey guys, just a heads up, if you like a girl but she doesn't like you back and your going to give her $$$ and you plan on hiding it somewhere in another gift, you may want to tell her so she doesn't throw it away...Jus sayin!!! ;)
Soooooooooooo NOW I had the $100... fresh and in MY HAND...

(To be continued!!! Stay tuned for part 2 tomorrow!!!;)
♥Mary Frances :)