Soooooooooo today I was just driving along, care freely, driver's window down, (Cuz it won't go up!;) letting the wind blow my hair in the breeze, and I started thinking about the story of Naomi and Ruth. My mind specifically went to the part RIGHT BEFORE Ruth says her famous words that we now use in weddings. The part where Naomi is telling her two daughter-in-laws to depart from her and go home with their own families. And this part of the scripture specifically went through my mind...
"Turn again, my daughters, go your way; for I am too old to have an husband. If I should say, I have hope, if I should have an husband also to night, and should also bear sons; Would ye tarry for them till they were grown?..." (Ruth 1:12-13)
Basically, in todays language, what Naomi was saying was, "EVEN I got married today, annnnnnd I got pregnant, and the baby HAPPENED TO BE MALE, WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO WAIT FOR THEM TILL THEY WERE GROWNUPS TO BE YOUR HUSBANDS??? And from what is shown in the Bible, these two VERY SINGLE CHICKS, never actually answered her question!!!
.Buuuuuuuuuuuuuut in my mind I was thinking,
You might be VERY SINGLE IF...
Hi, My name is Mary and I'm single,
I'm thinkin like, OKAAAAAAYYYY...buuuuuut the deal IS I get THE FIRST BORN annnnnnnd I don't wanna meet him till he's like 30!!! (Soooooo I won't be getting married til my 60's...No me time to GROW UP!!!) Sooooooooo I'm just driving along, CRACKING UP LAUGHING!!! Duuuuuude Mary, you SOOOO HILARIOUS!!! And thank God for His hand of protection during my laughing fit while driving!!!
Like, Orpah, Ruth, I feel ya sista's... Ya'all shoulda JUST SAID YES!!! :)))))) Now there's a sermon title, "WHAT IF THEY HAD SAID YES?!?!" Buuuuuuut really, THINK ABOUT IT, how would that have changed history??? Imagine it in the faith chapter, "And by FAITH, Naomi got remarried in her old, old, OLD AGE!!! Annnnnnd BY FAITH, those chics WAITED FOR THEIR HUSBAND!!!" Oh yeah, someone get me a mike...where's my amen corner now???? And before alter call, lets all join together singing, ♫♫I'll say yes Lord. yes♪ I'll say yes Lord yes, to your will and to your way! ♫ When your spirit speaks to me, WITH MY WHOLE HEART I'll agree...I will trust you and obey...!♪♫ Can you IMAGINE???? AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
"Turn again, my daughters, go your way; for I am too old to have an husband. If I should say, I have hope, if I should have an husband also to night, and should also bear sons; Would ye tarry for them till they were grown?..." YES!!! (Ruth 1:12-13)
♥Mary Frances :)